Monday, May 01, 2006

Email Commentary and the Crazies at Union Station

I have not posted anything of late. I apologize. But I have a little piece of humor in email correspondence I have received over the past couple of days to make up for it. I recently emailed my parents the new trailer for Al Gore's movie about global warming, An Inconvenient Truth, after spending a good portion of a car ride across southeast Texas talking about this subject with my immediate family. Here are the comments of each of my parental units:

Looks interesting. Like to see it. Gore could run for president on energy at the present time. We need a national campaign on energy alternatives in this country.

Is this going to be a feature film in the theaters? Thanks for sending me the trailer. I am a big fan of Al Gore and would vote for him if he ran for president. I like him better now than when he did run for president!! If he does decide to run you should work on his campaign. Love Mom

This got me thinking of when I met Gore outside Hillbilly Heaven, a hick bar outside St. Louis. People chanted "Gore Gore he's no bore, he's the man that we adore." I did not chant this, but for 2008 if he did run I think the new chant should reflect an anti-Bush sentiment. Something like this: "Gore Gore you will not hate, Vote Al Gore in 2008." Having said all this I don't think he'll run.

Over the past couple of weeks I have started to keep track of all the people I encounter when walking past or through Union Station which i do everyday twice a day, at least. Here's what I've found - I believe Union Station is a dumping ground for area mental hospitals. There hasn't been a single day that I've walked past where I haven't seen someone either a) talk to himself, b) twitch and ask where their medication is or c) scream profanities into a cell phone at a highly increased volume usually while staring at a wall. The former seems to be the most prevalent and usually these encounters happen in the afternoon. Anyway, I'll leave you with a link to the Union Station of yesteryear.
I don't know, it kind of reminds me of The Shining.

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