Tuesday, April 18, 2006

When It's On, It's On

Today I had to introduce myself at the All Staff meeting and give a little speech with a personal fun fact of my choosing. I told everyone I had double jointed elbows?

I also received email today telling me my former advisor in college is leaving for another university and the department is compiling notes from current and former students to bind into a departure gift. I sat down to write something and everything that came out was complete drivel. I think all my creative juices have flown the coop for the day, possibly the week.

My one steady blog-viewer has informed she herself has started a blog. Any comments you find on my posts will lead you to her blog. She had this to say about it when announcing her blogging endeavors:

"I blogged this morning as I was eating my breakfast! It felt really really weird to be writing something that NO ONE will read. Even less people will read my blog than my senior econ thesis."

I feel a little blogging insecurity in this statement and I encourage everyone to check out her blog in the future. It's my goal for more people to see her blog than her thesis. We'll call it the Angelus movement. Check it: http://luspice.blogspot.com

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