Saturday, May 13, 2006

I really have no theme this week

I've been assigned web backup at work, so when my co-worker goes on vacation I'm in charge of updating our website. The entire website is at my finger tips. I like the power.

I'm currently watching Wild Things. It's on FX, which unfortunately means they have dubbed over half the film and cut out the other half. Bill Murray still rocks though. Whenever I watch Neve Campbell, I can't help but picture her looking very strained and almost unable to get out the words, "God, Bai," referring to her tv brother. Party of Five was some good melodrama.

The first film project I worked on in Austin is making its US theatrical debut next week. Unfortunately it's playing in NY/LA so I don't know when I'll get to see it. While I usually can figure out how distribution works on films, I must say I have no idea why this movie is already out on DVD in Italy and yet it hasn't made it to the theaters yet in the US. Perhaps the Italians were more open to controversial subject matter.

This is my random thought of the day - how did Sean Connery get so tan?

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