Saturday, May 27, 2006

Idol and Service

On Wednesday, I watched the season finale of American Idol. I was happy to see they brought back the little cowboy with the turkey who could sort of sing for his one and only opportunity in life to perform in front an audience of that size. This season I haven't really been rooting for anyone in particular, although I would have preferred to see Katharine McPhee win over Taylor Hicks. I just feel like she would be someone I would listen to on the radio, whereas Taylor will probably be relegated to the easy listening contemporary station. He's just a little too Joe Cocker. But, like I said I wasn't rooting for anyone really, so this all changed when Taylor won. I saw David Hasselhof crying in the audience. It was all worth it.

This week I finally tried the Italian restaurant a few doors down from my apartment. I decided to order takeout, but I checked out the reviews online first. They were all along the lines of "good food, worse than terrible service." A couple of the reviewers said the waitstaff and owner were the rudest service people they had encountered. I was warned that you can either be completely turned off by this or allow it to just be a weird quirk of the establishment. I decided to adopt the latter attitude and call them. After I ordered, they quickly hung up on me. When I went to pick up, there were no pleasantries and the owner ignored me after handing me the credit card slip to sign. It was a little like dealing with the Soup Nazi. I have to say for the price, they give you a lot of food and it's pretty good. The place is called Banducci's.

This holiday weekend I will be embarking on my apartment search. Not really looking forward to this, but it must be done.

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