Friday, April 07, 2006

My First Week

Today is Friday and I have finished my first official work week at my new job. Since I have been at the company since August, but not in official capacity, I didn't get to partake in important company decisions before. This week changed all that. Yesterday, I had my first official business lunch to meet vendors that send our mass email. Topics on the table during the lunch included: where everybody lives and how they commute to work, the tv show Lost (to which I told everyone about the Lost podcast which rocks), New York and the different ways to get there. My favorite part of the 1.5 hour lunch where about 5 minutes of business was discussed was when Patrick, one of the vendors, explained how he considered Lost an event and "likes to make a nice dinner" in preparation for it. Oh, Patrick.

Today a survey was sent out to all employees to vote on the All Staff Summer Outing. I didn't get to partake in the survey of what people randomly thought we should do a couple of weeks ago because I wasn't a full time employee. But now, after they've narrowed down the choices to six, I'm all over it. The choices all included lunch and the main activity. These activities are the National Zoo, the Smithsonian, bowling, going to a park, something else, and a river cruise on the Potomac. I chose the latter mostly because that's what they did on The Office. Plus I think it would be funny if everyone was trapped in one place and couldn't leave. I would love to see my boss wear a captain's hat and take control of the helm.

"Mother Tongue. That was the name of my band in high school." Damon Lindeloff, Writer and Executive Producer of Lost (on this week's podcast in reference to a Russian speaker's email describing his language)

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