Thursday, March 16, 2006

Top Ten Things People Say to Me at Neuhaus Chocolatier

I work part time across the street from my apartment at an upscale Belgian chocolate shop. Here are the top ten things people ask or randomly tell me at the store:
1. Do you have sugar free?
2. I could never work here./How do you not just eat everything?
3. Where's your really dark chocolate?
4. I just came in to smell.
5. I tried to stay away, but I just can't.
6. Oh my God, this is so much better than Godiva.
7. Two dollars for a piece of chocolate?
8. Do you have dark chocolate? (My favorite as a respond politely with "what's dark is dark"
9. Do you have chocolate covered strawberries?
10. Where is this chocolate made?

Imagine some of these people trying to be funny saying some of these things. Everyone thinks they are being original.

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