Monday, March 20, 2006

Allergies and Idol

Reading the news today I came across an article entitled "To head off allergies, expose your kids to pets and dirt early. Really." I immediately laughed to myself because in the pre-daycare era I like to call my early childhood, my mother left my brother and me at a woman's house that fronted as daycare. All the kids spent their afternoon outside in a dirt yard with a wandering dirty dog. AND growing up I never had allergies. I didn't even identify what they felt like until last year when I actually did get them as a result of moving to Austin. Apparently everyone who doesn't get allergies will get them there.

I also came across an article describing Paula Abdul as a judge on American Idol. She was referenced as a seal when she claps. I've taken after others in muting her remarks when it's her turn in line to critique the contestants. Even though she forgot her lines last week, I was sad to see Melissa go. I thought she deserved to stay longer more than others. Although for some reason she just looks like an Angela so that's what I've been calling her.

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