Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Return

After not updating this blog for three full months, I feel it is time. In one week I will be moving into my new apartment in Dupont after couch hopping for a month and a half. I'm still amazed everytime I move at the hiccups that happen when trying to do the mundane tasks that are neccessary to moving, ie. change of addresses, setting up your tv/internet, organizing the actual move. I think there should be a service out there that does all this for you that only the people with a lot of money can afford. I guess they call that a personal assistant?

A rare occurrence has just taken place in front of Neuhaus as I write this last sentence. A whole group of teenagers (~20) just walked by and there was no annoying sounds. No jumping, yelling, giggling...they came from Gallaudet. I'm going to be completely non-PC here and say I like the deaf in general for this trait.

Last Friday one of my co-workers left my company. What better to do on a Friday afternoon than prank the unassuming victim as a bon voyage gift. My fellow co-workers and I spammed her email continuosly for over an hour with newsletter signups and personal ads she "might" be interested in. She also received phone calls from Richard Branson through an automated Virgin hotline and a university to talk about her interest in enrolling as a student. For my part, I found interesting personal ads on Craig's List to send. My favorite was the fellow interested in suffocation as a means of arousal. In detail he described how he wanted to be gagged and bagged with a rope pulling the plastic shut around his head. His selling slogan was "Suffocate me. I breathe only for you." This situation sufficiently freaked her out and she called us all Stinkers. I like that word.